Viking Association


The Viking Association is a fully tax exempt fraternal organization within the meaning of IRS code 501(c)(19).  The goals of which are to facilitate and maintain contact among the former members of the Sea Control community; be the repository and guardian of the Sea Control legacy; sponsor and participate in reunions and other "roundup" events celebrating the fellowship of the Sea Control community.

The Association will maintain a historical archive in order to disseminate authoritative information regarding the history and accomplishments of the S-3 aircraft, the squadrons that operated them, and the individuals who flew and maintained them. Association members will participate in memorial and other services as appropriate and assist the many carrier and land museums regarding the display of the community’s various aircraft.

In addition to being composed of individual members, the Association encourages formation of squadrons/chapters in areas where there are sufficient numbers to enable the viability of such groups. These “local groups” have two functions: first, to enable more frequent meetings of members at the local level to support naval aviation and inform the general public about the magnificent job done by the men and women formerly associated with the venerable Sea Control community aircraft; and second, to reminisce and share in the camaraderie and excitement of once having been the backbone of naval strike aviation for more.

The Association will host national reunions to enable former members of the Sea Control community to renew old friendships. Additionally, local groups are encouraged to hold additional social functions at various locations as the need to wet your whistle and tell old war stories exists.

We, who are already members, encourage you to join us to keep the Sea Control contributions, legacies and history while enjoying the camaraderie of your fellow members of the Sea Control community.

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